Telehealth Information Sheet

Telehealth Information Sheet

In our commitment to providing accessible and convenient healthcare solutions, we invite you to download our comprehensive Telehealth Information Sheet. This informative guide is designed to empower you with essential knowledge about our Telehealth services, ensuring you make informed decisions about your health and well-being.

Online Telehealth

Key Highlights:

  1. Understanding Telehealth: Dive into the world of Telehealth and discover how this transformative approach to healthcare delivery is changing the way you access medical services.
  2. Getting Started: Learn the simple steps to initiate a Telehealth consultation, from setting up your account to scheduling your first virtual appointment.
  3. Benefits at a Glance: Explore the numerous advantages of Telehealth, including convenience, accessibility, time efficiency, and cost savings. Discover how it can seamlessly integrate into your busy lifestyle.
  4. Services Offered: Get an overview of the range of services available through our Telehealth platform, from virtual consultations with healthcare professionals to remote monitoring and mental health support.
  5. Privacy and Security: Understand our commitment to safeguarding your privacy and security. Learn about the measures we have in place to protect your personal information during Telehealth interactions.
  6. FAQs: Find answers to common questions about Telehealth, addressing any concerns you may have about the process, technology requirements, and more.

Why Download the Telehealth Information Sheet?

Download our Telehealth Information Sheet now and embark on a journey towards a more accessible, efficient, and patient-centered healthcare experience. At [Your Company Name], we believe in making health information accessible and empowering you to take charge of your well-being. Welcome to the future of healthcare!

Activ8 Class Timetable

Unlike all other large commercial gyms, our classes are kept to a small number to ensure personal attention and the highest quality of services is maintained.
We have a variety of small group classes available, with different types available on different membership levels to ensure these are tailored to the individual.

Allied Health Classes

We have specialised allied health group classes running each week. These classes vary slightly from our standard classes and are available to our Allied Health Membership or as a casual class.
Throughout these classes, each participant will have a tailored program design that targets their circumstances. Throughout the class, an allied health specialist will be monitoring, providing feedback and modifying their programs where applicable.
These classes are available to Activ8 Allied Health members free of charge, with additional fees for other participants without this membership.