Exercise in the spotlight: Back Extension

1 June 2023

Benefits of regular back extensions and the immediate results you can accomplish!

Doing regular back extensions can bring numerous benefits to your health. Not only can it help improve your posture, but it can also reduce the risk of suffering from back pain and other spine-related problems. Additionally, doing regular spine exercises can help you become more flexible and strengthen the muscles in your back, leading to improved overall physical performance.

Furthermore, doing regular back extensions has long-term effects that will benefit you for years to come. Regularly doing these exercises will help keep your spine healthy, which is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, improving balance and coordination as well as reducing fatigue and stress levels.

What muscles are trained with the back extension?

Back Extension

Depending on the back extension variation you are performing, the muscles involved will vary slightly, however, these exercises are primarily used to strengthen the muscles of the lower back and posterior (back) chain. It targets the Erector Spinae, Glutes, Hamstrings, and other core muscles that are important for maintaining a healthy posture. By performing this exercise regularly, you can increase the strength and flexibility in your lower back as well as improve your overall body composition. Additionally, it can help reduce back pain caused by weak or tight muscles in the lower back region.

What are the benefits of Back Extension exercises?

Lower Back Pain

Doing regular back extensions can bring numerous benefits to your health. Not only can it help improve your posture, but it can also reduce the risk of suffering from back pain and other spine-related problems. Additionally, doing regular spine exercises can help you become more flexible and strengthen the muscles in your back, leading to improved overall physical performance.
Furthermore, doing regular back extensions has long-term effects that will benefit you for years to come. Regularly doing these exercises will help keep your spine healthy, which is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, improving balance and coordination as well as reducing fatigue and stress levels.

What is the easiest way to perform the back extension and what are some progressions?

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As with all exercises, it is critical that you gradually build up to these more challenging exercises to ensure safety is maintained. A safe exercise progression may include the following;
Prone (facing down) Floor – Supported Back Extension
Swissball-Supported Back Extension
Isometric Back Extension
Back Extension (Dynamic)
Back Extension with Rotation

Note: This exercise and back extension alternatives can be further regressed and progressed for added benefits!

What is the Back Extension?

Back Extension Machine
Back extension machines

The back extension exercise primarily targets the muscles of the lower back, including the Erector Spinae muscles, whilst also engaging the Glutes, Hamstrings, and core muscles. The exercise is typically performed using a back extension bench but variations can be done using a stability ball or even on the floor, which we will explore throughout this blog.

To perform the back extension exercise:

  1. Start by positioning yourself face-down on the back extension bench with your legs secured under the footpads and your upper body hanging freely.
  2. Cross your arms over your chest or place your hands behind your head
  3. Whilst engaging your core muscles, slowly lift your upper body off the bench by extending your back muscles
  4. Continue lifting until your upper body is in line with your legs or until you feel a stretch in your lower back.
  5. Hold the extended position briefly, focusing on maintaining control and engaging your muscles.
  6. Slowly lower your upper body back down to the starting position.
  7. Repeat for the desired number of sets and repetitions.

It’s important to note that proper form and control are crucial in this exercise to prevent strain or injury. As always, consult with a qualified fitness professional before attempting new exercises, especially if you have any pre-existing conditions or concerns.

Back Extension
Exercise in the spotlight: back extension 7

What are some back extension benefits?

Incorporating back extensions into your exercise routine holds multiple benefits in many different elements. Back extensions help in strengthening the lower back, increasing surrounding muscular strength, endurance and ability to support your spine to promote healthy posture and reduce the risk of lower back pain. Furthermore, this exercise helps enhance core stability, which is essential for maintaining proper posture, balance, and overall functional strength. Moreover, while primarily targeting the lower back, back extensions also engage the gluteal muscles (Glutes) and Hamstrings to a lesser extent. Strengthening these muscles can improve hip stability and overall lower body strength.

It’s worth noting that as with any exercise, it’s important to use proper form and technique when performing back extensions to maximize their benefits and minimize the risk of injury. If you have any underlying health conditions or concerns, it’s advisable to consult with a qualified professional before incorporating back extensions into your routine.

What are some progressions?

As with all exercises, it is critical that you gradually build up to these more challenging exercises to ensure safety is maintained.

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Exercise in the spotlight: back extension 8

We have provided a safe exercise progression below with video demonstrations of each to help you.

If you have any further questions, please contact us anytime.

NOTE: This exercise can be further regressed and progressed, which we will review in further blogs so stay tuned!

1. Upper Body Prone (Face Down) Back Extension

2. Prone Floor-Supported Back Extension

3. Stability Ball Back Extension

4. Isometric (Holding) Back Extension

5. Dynamic (Moving) Back Extension

6. Dynamic (Moving) Back Extension with Rotation


The Back Extension exercise is critical to a well-balanced training routine, providing essential strengthening demands to your posterior muscles, in particular the Erector Spinae, Glutes and Hamstrings.

Improvements from these exercises will result in improved posture and reduced risk of suffering back pain and other spine-related problems. Additionally, doing regular spine exercises can help you become more flexible and strengthen the muscles in your back, leading to improved overall physical performance.

It is important to start adding these exercises to your routine with a variation you can handle, before gradually increasing the complexity and demand with more challenging variations.

If you need further guidance, please reach out to us and take advantage of a free 15-minute telehealth consultation with our exercise physiologist.

Written by Kaitlyn Eisenhuth, an Exercise Physiologist at Activ8 Health Club

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