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Phone: +612 8544 0487


Phone: +612 8544 0487
Fax: +612 9012 0516


Phone: +612 8544 0487

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why Choose Activ8 Health Club?

Activ8 has continued to grow into a premium one-stop shop for a wide range of clients. Activ8 offers professional services including an exercise physiologist, physiotherapy, chiropractor, massage and Dietetics in a friendly atmosphere. Our goal is to educate, empower and help you improve your quality of life!

What comes with my ‘self-management’ 24/7 subscription?

We aim to provide a tailored approach for each individual needs. We pride ourselves on helping you achieve your results, so we will provide;
● $0 Admin or Joining Fees
● Free introductory tour and set up
● 1 Free 1:1 consultation to help get you started (valued $75)
● 24/7 Health Club access
● Unlimited standard Group Classes
● Discounted Allied Health small group
● $10 WellBean cafe welcome voucher
● 10% discount on all products in Cafe & Health Club

Can I get a free trial?

We are confident in what we offer and that we will be a perfect fit for most, so why not try before you buy. All you need to do is reserve your FREE TRIAL and you will receive a free week 24/7 trial membership into your email inbox.
FREE trial here

What is the Activ8 Well-being Progression

At Activ8, we don’t want you to have to rely on us as everyone’s circumstances change throughout our lifespan. This is why we aim to Educate, Empower and help you improve your quality of life and wellbeing. Although each individuals approach is tailored, the overall goal for each client is to safely and effectively progress through our Activ8 Wellbeing progression (shown below). The steps involve;
1. Receiving the appropriate referral and information
2. Providing greater service as required to ensure progress is achieved whilst working within other personal commitments/restraints (times, finances, knowledge etc)
3. As education, confidence and less reliance are increased, we aim to help you become self-sufficient whilst continuing to treat and manage your wellbeing. Don’t worry though, we are still here to provide ongoing education and guidance to ensure progression is maintained.

Does Activ8 offer online programs?

The Activ8 Virtual Program is an online program designed to educate, empower and improve your quality of life anywhere in the world. This program is designed with flexibility whilst ensuring the personalised tailored services are maintained through some 1:1 virtual health coaching consultations. There are many online program options, so further information and be found here

Is Activ8 another large chain commercial gym?

We don’t like the atmosphere and environment of the large chain commercial gyms. Our clubs are designed to ensure the same products and services are provided, whilst ensuring a friendly and non-intimidating environment is created. We pride ourselves on Authentic, reliable and patient-centred services are provided.

What comes with the ‘Allied Health Subscription?

We aim to provide a tailored approach for each individual needs. We pride ourselves on educating, empowering and improving your wellbeing. The allied health membership is designed for those wanting and/or requiring greater help, so it includes;
● $0 Admin or Joining Fees
● Free introductory tour and set up
● 3 x 1:1 Allied health sessions every 12 weeks (value $285)
● Ongoing support and education by a designated health professional
● Tailored program design and implementation
● Bulk Billed medicare sessions
● Unlimited access to their tailored programs via an App
● 24/7 Health Club access
● Unlimited standard + Allied Health Specific Group Classes
● $10 WellBean cafe voucher
● 15% discount on all products in Cafe & Health Club

How do I get started?

Starting at Activ8 is simple. Here is the process;
● Decision – Decide what you want and need to improve your health and wellbeing
● Complete Documents – Simply fill the forms out online
● Go Online – once your documents are completed, you will be set up and ready to go!
Sign up here

What services does Activ8 Health Club offer?

Activ8 primary offers allied health services for a range of conditions and programs within the health clubs. We are licenced, registered and run programs such as;
a. NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme)
b. DVA (Department of Veterans’ Affairs)
c. WorkCover & CTP Rehabilitation
d. Medicare Care plans
e. Chronic disease Specific rehabilitation (i.e. Diabetes, Falls prevention, Cancer etc)
f. Online Health program
Please note that most of our services are eligible for claiming through health funds and some government initiatives, so please check to see what rebates you are entitled to.

Can I claim private health rebates for attending Activ8 Health Club?

Most private health funds recognise most allied health services such as exercise physiology, physiotherapy and podiatry services. Some also allow for membership rebates. We recommend that you check with your health fund as the rebate will depend on your level of cover. We can provide all the required paperwork.
All referral forms and resources required can be found here.
Multidisciplinary health clubs with allied health professionals in the one location that Educates and Empowers you to Improve your quality of life!
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