WorkCover & CTP Rehabilitation

Activ8 has a diverse range of allied health practitioners to assist injured workers to increase capacities to return to work in the same role determined in your rehabilitation goals. Further information has been provided below to help you understand the processes involved with your rehabilitation and see if we are a good fit. Or simply click the button below to have an obligation free consultation either via Telehealth or Face-to-Face.

How it works

The WorkCover and CTP process can be confusing and overwhelming, so we have simplified this and help each participant on this journey.

Free Consultation & Coffee

100% obligation free consultation where we will meet with you to determine if we are a good fit and what services you will need throughout your rehabilitation to meet your treatment goals.

Book Initial Session

Once a pre-approved initial consultation has been approved by your insurance company, an initial consultation is booked. Baselines and relevant documentation (Allied Health Recovery Request) will be completed and sent off for allied health approval.

Begin Increasing Capacities

Once approval has been received, the injured worker will begin working closely with their allied health provider/s to start increasing capacities via our holistic treatment approach. We will continue to complete all required documentation and communicate to your GP and insurance company to ensure your rehabilitation process is seamless with minimal impact on you.
Enquire Now

Rehabilitation Services Available

Our mission is to provide industry leading evidence-based services all in the one location. 


Specialists in exercise interventions for a broad range of health issues including most medical conditions and injuries. The primary goal comprises of increasing participant capacities via patient centred evidence-based exercise interventions.



Physiotherapy uses physical and manual techniques to improve movement, reduce pain and stiffness, speed up the healing process and increase quality of life. 



Nutritional education is an integral component to achieving a balanced healthy lifestyle and rehabilitation. We have experts available to help you with all these elements, tailoring them to each medical condition.



Hydrotherapy is an excellent way of obtaining movement with reduced demand on the skeletal and neuromuscular systems. This form of exercise has been scientifically proven to be effective when land-based training is unable. Our hydrotherapy sessions are run by qualified exercise physiologists and physiotherapists. 



Podiatry is the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of the feet and lower limbs. Our Podiatrists are here to help you keep moving and any means possible to ensure your WorkCover and/or CTP rehabilitation goals are achieved
“When I first started with Activ8 Health Club I was terrified to walk through the door. After working in the police emergency services for 21 years and suffering from chronic PTSD and psoriasis I rarely leave my unit. I don’t like meeting new people so it was challenging to say the least. As soon as I met Trent, then Talan I immediately felt I could trust them. They were immediately aware of my chronic illness including side effects and triggers and they commenced introductions in a private and respectful manner. The setting also makes you feel welcome and safe. I can’t thank them enough, they have literally saved my life. Apart from the mental health effects, I also feel physically stronger as well and I am so very very grateful.”

Kelly D

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